Setting Up Fax to Email

Explains how to create a virtual fax that will email you faxes on HPBX.

HPBX allows you to setup as many fax to email functions as you would like. To do this first you need to make sure you have number that you can set for the fax to email function. Login to HPBX and go to features then numbers

Click on the new button to add a new number
Now I am selecting WA Perth because I would like to setup a fax to receive faxes from Perth customers. Then I click next.

The system will now give you a box to select the numbers you can select. I select a number and click next.

The system now gives you a number of details you can fill in but the only important field is the default destination. For setting up fax to email select the fax to email function and put in your email address. You can have the system send it to multiple people if you put in multiple email addresses spaced out.

Now send a test fax to the number you selected. Once the system receives the fax it will email it to you.